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Get more done with an AI workspace

Intuitive for beginners. Powerful for experts. All models. All modalities.

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An entirely new way to work, learn and play.

Partner with AI throughout your day to stay on track and get more done.

Screen sharing with AI model for context

Share a window for context & work together

Context is key when working with AI. Screen sharing lets your AI assistant see what you're working on, eliminating the need to explain everything. Save time, get more accurate help, and collaborate seamlessly on projects throughout your workday.

RAG on PDF with AI

Analyze documents, PDFs and spreadsheets

Today we're all drowning in data and trying to make sense of information throughout our work day. AI-powered document analysis can help you quickly sift through reports, emails, and spreadsheets to pull out key points and meaning.

Select between leading AI models

Pick the best AI model for the task

Different AI models excel at different tasks. Easily switch between top models like GPT-4 and Claude Sonnet 3.5, to enhance your workflow. Save time and improve results by choosing the right AI tool for each job.

Create and manage enterprise AI agents

Create agents for specialized tasks

Tailor AI agents for your specific needs. Build assistants for knowledge bases, research, content, marketing, or legal insights. Agents use grounded memory to leverage verified data and organizational information.

Search with AI and get answers

Find answers without leaving your workspace

Whether you're making purchase decisions, planning a trip, or diving into the latest research, get comprehensive, tailored insights faster. Your AI agent sifts through countless sources, delivering concise answers on any topic. Save time and focus on what matters most in your work, all without leaving your workspace.

Create images with MidJourney, DALL-E and Stable Diffusion

Create images with MidJourney, DALL-E & Stable Diffusion

Transform your ideas into stunning visuals with leading generative AI image models. Whether you're crafting marketing materials, designing concepts, or exploring artistic visions, our integrated tools harness the power of MidJourney, DALL-E, and Stable Diffusion to bring your imagination to life effortlessly.

AI memory feature

Personalize your AI agents with memories

Experience an AI that learns and adapts to you. With each interaction, your assistant builds a unique knowledge graph, remembering your preferences and work style. Enjoy increasingly relevant support and a streamlined workflow tailored just for you.

AI workspace themes

Personalize your workspace with themes

Make your workspace truly yours with customizable themes. Choose from a variety of styles or create your own to match your preferences. For enterprises and educational institutions, easily brand your workspace with your organization's logo and colors.